The simple defination of food is anything we take into our body and to be wise, you should determine and omit any kind of food that will affect your body behaviour either physically or mentally. I can't take a drug in order to balance my day, after all going the wrong way of taking drugs is unwise. There is a way you can be smart without getting yourself into the sassy zone. I don't see people on drugs sensible no matter what position they occupy in the community. Learn how to be wise with this food philosophies.
Intelligent people are mostly wise because, all it takes to be sharp is a true hard work in all aspects of the future intent. This means, there is a way we can be calm without taking any illegal foreign food.
Nutritional Foods Is a Key to Be Wise
Food with much nutrient is much more important than carbohydrate filled meal. It is better to eat 2 nutritional meals a day than to go around eating 4 times non nutrient food. To much unwholesome foods is more liable to give out a wrong result in physical being.
Obesity is never left out and you are not on the safest side either. The way you look gives out a true picture of the way you'll act. So, an overweight person cannot even be the most important person - People won't take you serious, instead they we'll jest at you.
Eating May Affect Your Wise Learning
The food we eat also affects the speed of our brain. Thus, you can't be smarter with a weak brain. Be of guard and be so careful of brain blocks. The touch, smell and taste is also important and avoid those new artificial food additives like preservities and such like.
Does Caffeine Help?
Caffeine Can Make You More Alert in response to people around for just a very short time. Continues intake might bring a serious effect on your mind set. If you want to know; caffein is found in coffee, some medications, energy drinks and chocolates. They are being promised to boost IQ but destroys it at a certain level. The best solution to stay active is by making the best use of it.
Like the way caffeine can help when searching for attentiveness, desire can do it wonderfully. One of the disadvantages of caffeine that can affect your mission of getting wise, is that it can always keep you awake in discomfort. You will mind yourself alway startled by little pinch that comes unexpectedly. Continuous repeatance can cause internal discomfort and jettery. Thus, more is less.
Chemicals that Controls Our Mindset
There are many chemicals known to affect and enhance our mind and body behaviour. We eat those chemicals in food everyday and they affect our mind differently. Those chemicals work together in building body weight and to increase or decrease the rate of metabolism in our individual bodies.
Continuous calories and fats might be so distractive. Those kind of foods brings about short term memories in humans. It is proved to an extent that the effects usually moves together with age. The brain usually sucks down about 20% of our daily calories, which holds about 2% of our initial body weight. In order to brilliantly get your brain active, you need to provide it with its necessary needs and avoid foods that will deflect its action.
Lists of Foods For an Active Brain
1. The most important food for an active brain is glucose but be sure to avoid too much of it. High glucose level damages the body cells. They include fruits, some parts of carbohydrates and grains.
2. Form a habit of eating smaller meals, even more frequent–the brain likes it. Stop over feeding now!
3. The brain is about sixty percent fats, and very low level of cholesterol has being associated with the build of aggressiveness, anger, bully, and all sorts of anti-social behaviours. Sometimes, you'll feel so sad or angry without a cause. So now you know the cause?
4. Not all fats are bad. Valuable fats enhance the brain growth without adding any unwanted weight to the individual. Some of this fats include fresh fish- cold water fish, nuts and seeds. Which are very effective in building intelligent brain.
6. Don't starve yourself in the morning. The most important meals are breakfast and dinner. But make sure to choose carbohydrate only on dinner or lunch.
7. Sugar is a great brain activator but too much of it might be bad for the stomach.
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