Tuesday, 6 December 2011

How to Be Wise Ploughing With Christ

One important wise area of service unto the Lord, which in fact is His heartbeat, is the preaching of the gospel to the dying world. The parting commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ, before He ascended to heaven was "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16 v 15). The gospel must be preached to every creature the gentle, the rude, the high, the low and the antagonist of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus brought the topic how to be wise ploughing with Christ till the end.

In performing this great task, hardship, persecution, opposition, ridicule and outright violence may occur. These should not deter the Christian. You must forge ahead. You must focus on pleasing your Master and not on the circumstances around you. The promise of the Lord that He is with you always, unto the end of the world, is sure, even when it feels like you are alone.
Are you serving the body of Christ or facing hardships, ridicule and oppositions for it? Are you on the mission-field in a hard, unyielding or perhaps violent environment? Are you in a city where the distractions of sinners by the worldly system make preaching seem not worthwhile? Are you on a campus where preaching is unfashionable? Is your own constituency your neighbourhood? Keep on doing the work. The harvest will come in due reason. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6 v 9).

No sacrifice is too great for the love of your Master who gave His all that you may have all things. It is wise to make up your mind to suffer for Him because of what He did for you. Bear pressure and persecution for His sake (Patiently and joyfully bear pains for others too). Your consecration should be to serve Him throughout the days of your life which should be unbroken anything.

When challenges are staring you on the face, never be moody or regret being a Christian. Follow the steps of Paul and Silas who turned the prison-yard into a music recording studio, singing praises to God. Always remember that we are called to suffer for His sake. (Peter 2 v 24).

Lastly, to keep a smile on Christ's face perpetually, you must resolve to live in holiness and commitment to populating God's kingdom. Never rest on your oars; strive to make sure Christ's death is not in vain. Toil and labour on till your Master comes or calls you home. Your labour for christ is wise–is not in vain. It is rewarding on earth and in eternity.


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