If hell and heaven are the two eternal destinations from which we may choose only one, then it is obvious that choosing hell is a wrong choice and not wise; for hell is a place of eternal torment, "where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9 v 48). Surprisingly, however, many people are opting for hells. God's word reveals it in Matthew 7 v 13. On this post we are going to consider how to get over, and why you may have take the wrong choice of eternal destination.
There are three reasons many people choose to follow the pathway to hell, preferring untold eternal afflictions in the worm-filled fire to the unlimited eternal bliss, peace, and joy in heaven.
1. One, the lack of knowledge. A lot of people are heading for hell not knowing where they are going. They are ignorant of the entry requirements for God's kingdom; (Ephesians 4 v 18, 19). In which this verse shows us the kind of evil that men force themselves into. Such people are captives of deception of the false prophets and teachers who peddle damnable heresies; who corrupt the Scripture saying repentance and righteousness are not necessary for salvation and eternal life. Check the post How Do I Repent For My Sins. Yet, it is the people's fault; for they choose to remain in ignorance avoiding true fellowship and faithful preachers of God's word. Read Romans 1 v 28.
2. The second reason is the love of pleasure. Many people choose the damnation of hell because they seek the pleasure that sin offers. The road to perdition is broad and contains no restrictive laws for living. On the other hand, "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth to life..." (Matthew 7 v 14). Life is controlled by God's word on the highway of heaven; the flesh is tamed and crucified; all affections are centred on things above, and the worldly systems has no attraction to the heaven-bound pilgrims. Lovers of pleasures reject these demands of holy living and choose to go the way of perdition! (Proverbs 14 v 12).
3. The third reason is the lure of the sinning crowd. Too many people are on the broad way to hell. They look attractive, unruffled and prosperous; they are seemingly unconcerned by the demands of true religion, and totally unperturbed by the impending judgement of God. They are such that the Psalmist refers to in Psalm 73. Yet, the deceptive contentment and comportment of these people are mere tricks of the devil to pull many more to join the perishing throng. The deceived and misled think, "If this road leads into perdition then why are the majority walking on it?" The majority can't be wrong, they say! God, however, warns that in matters of eternal life and eternal ruin, the majority is most wrong, while the minority is often right. The Lord Himself says, in Matthew 7 v 13-14 about the narrow way which leadeth to life and the broad way to destruction. He also commands all who believes in him to follow the strait way which leadeth to life eternal. You could read How to Be Wise Ploughing With Christ to know the way to go.
What to do about the Choice?
Our loved ones, relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues may be on hell's road. That doesn't mean they are right; and we should not join them. It is a matter of choice. Each person must decide to make the right choice by looking away from the erring crowd and following the way of the Lord.
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