Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Redemption through His Blood

You may wonder why anyone wise would choose to suffer whose suffering has already been borne by another who loves him much. Incredible as it seems, that's the condition of many people today. Many years ago Jesus came to die so that the human race can be free from the captivity of Satan and live eternally; but many people are yet to understand what Christ came to do for them. They have not come to the full realization of the significance and privileges of His rememptive work.
What is redemption? It is simply the act of redeeming, recovering, reclaiming, and restoring. This is what Christ came to do. He came to redeem man back to God. He came to break the wall of partition between man and God. (Ephesians 2 v 14). He came to reconcile man back to God.
This redemption comes to man through the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross. And it is free. You do not earn it by the money you have to give or by the good works that you do. Christ has paid for it many years ago. He died so that you will not die. He suffered so that you will not suffer. He was oppressed so that you will not be oppressed. He was bound so that you will be free. He was punished so that you will not be punished. How much can you give to reciprocate this love?
Let me draw your mind back to the time when people traded slaves. Those days, human beings were traded as slaves. They were transported to a place to be sold. That place was called slave market. In the market, they were displayed in different sections - women and men apart, young and old apart, strong and feeble apart. These slaves had no freedom. They were bound hand and feet and their mouths were also gagged. They had no say. They couldn't even move. They had to be dragged by the slave masters.
Is this not the state of many today? Bound by the slave master (the devil) and having no choice or will of their own; doing only those things that he would have them do. (Romans 7 v 15). You are aware that smoking can destroy you, but you lack the will to stop it. You are not happy living in the sin of fornication, adultery, anger, stealing and the likes, but you live that way notwithstanding. The drugs that you do only leave you worse each time, but you just can't let go. If you had your way you'd not be doing what you do now, but you just don't seem able to help it right now. The truth is that the slave-master holds you. You are at his mercy and nothing you do on your own can set you free from his firm grip. (Romans 7 v 18).
In the slave-market then, there were usually buyers. Once a bargain had been struck and the slave was handed over to the buyer, there was an automatic change of ownership. The slave didn't belong to the slave-master anymore. And if there was anything wrong that the slave had done to the slave-master, he could no longer be punished for it because he now belonged to another.
It is this processes of buying the slave that redemption signifies. And that's what Christ came to accomplish in your life. (1 John 3 v 8). He came to get you out of the slave-market of sin. He came so that you will be free from the bondage of the slave-master. He came to release you from your long time slavery. And it doesn't matter how long you have been bound up. His blood is very powerful and can set you free.
When Jesus takes you out of the slave market, all your sins are totally forgiven. The slave master cannot make you feel guilty anymore because there is forgiveness in redemption. Your chains are totally broken off you because there is freedom in redemption. The only wise step you are required to take to get into this redemption is to believe in the Redeemer. It is faith in the Redeemer that brings about redemption.


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