Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Unlimited Gain Through Christ's Suffering

Thank God the story of Christ's death did not end in the grave! On the third day, He rose again as the scripture had said. Halleluiah He arose!!! The grave could not hold Him. The sting death is gone. He lives and reigns to impart salvation unto men. He is now seated at the right hand of Power. The wise who call upon His name in spirit and in truth today can receive power to become the sons and daughters of God. To them He also gives power to live a life that is above sin, able to be in fellowship with God here on earth and in the end share eternity with Him in glory.
But it is not enough to have heard knowledge of the gains that come from Jesus' death and resurrection. You must believe and wisely appropriate these gains in your life. You must know that SIN is like a rope that ties you to bondage. It is a magnet that draws you to the devil. It is the glue that attaches you to calamities. When you acknowledge that Christ was wounded for you and you receive His sacrifice of death on the cross, then you repent of your sins and receive SALVATION for your soul. This is the beginning of your victory and breakthrough in wisdom.
You may wish to know what is this "salvation" is all about. First you must be wise in knowing what it is not. (Acts 4 v 12).
1. It is not being religious without experiencing total cleansing and freedom from sin.
2. It is not about "fearing" God. Saying "I don't have idols," "I pray every morning." "I call the name of Jesus" and so on does not translate to salvation.
3. It is not about being generous or giving alms to the poor. The pharisees also gave alms but were condemned.
4. It is not about knowing how to fast and pray.
5. It is not about having dreams that come true. Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar and other wicked men in the Bible also had dreams that came to pass but were not saved.
6. It is not just being gentle and kind-hearted.
7. It is not having position in the church.
Indeed, there are different religions and denomination in this world, thousands and thousands of them. But it is not in religion or denomination that we can receive salvation from sin. It is in Jesus. (Remember Matthew 1 v 21). Only Jesus can save you from your sins. The reason you were not free from stealing, lying, fighting, adultery, anger, wrath, unforgiving spirit, hatred, murder, malice and other sins is because Jesus is not there in your life. As soon as you wisely recieve Jesus, you are saved from darkness to light, the tempter's power is broken over your life and sin has no more dominion on you. (Romans 6 v 14).
From the moment you sincerely repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life, He immediately become your SAVIOUR and LORD. But that's not all. From the moment also, He becomes your LIBERATOR who liberates you from all bad habits and bondages; your HEALER, who takes away all your diseases and infirmities; your DELIVERER, who delivers you from every evil work; your PROTECTOR who protects you wherever you go; your PROVIDER, who supplies all your needs according to his riches in glory; and your PARTNER who continually guides you through ups and downs of life and also strengthens you for all-round victory.
What more shall we say? All things are yours in Christ Jesus. Meet the Saviour at the Cross, look into His wonderful face. Seek Him now; He will come to you and save you. He will fill you with His spiritual fullness. And if you are presently sick, distressed or burdened, you know that burdens are lifted at Calvary. By His stripes you are healed. His blood will never lose its power.
Let this special season make a different in your life. Recall the suffering of the one who was wounded for you. Reflect on His matchless love, and show your gratitude to Him by wisely dedicating or re-dedicating your life to Him. May His painful suffering, touching death and glorious resurrection not be in vain in your life. Amen.


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